Nintendorks Radio Episodes 1 – 81
The Nintendorks Radio RSS feed has changed, and the older episodes are no longer listed in the feed itself. You can find all of the older posts here, though! We have you covered.
So you can catch up, here are the first 81 episodes of Nintendorks Radio in one terrible table!
Name | URL | Desc | Date | Duration | Size |
Episode 081 – Grandma Teaches Typing | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20081%20-%20Grandma%20Teaches%20Typing.mp3 | Old people don’t know how to use computers. Mario doesn’t know how the economy works. Ghost Recons don’t know the future. | 31-Aug-2012 | 01:00:32 | 27.78Mb |
Pizzacast 2012 – Put wheels on a dog | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Pizzacast%202012%20-%20Put%20wheels%20on%20a%20dog.mp3 | We discuss E3 with the power of imagination | 11-Jun-2012 | 01:38:27 | 67.66Mb |
Episode 079 – E3 Looms on the Horizon | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20079%20-%20E3%20Looms%20on%20the%20Horizon.mp3 | Diablo is heading to E3 for some foul purpose. | 02-Jun-2012 | 01:13:54 | 50.47Mb |
Episode 078 – Stay a while and listen | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20078%20-%20Stay%20a%20while%20and%20listen.mp3 | Diablo is heading east for some foul purpose. | 31-May-2012 | 01:16:25 | 26.3Mb |
Episode 077 – The Days of Yore | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20077%20-%20The%20Days%20of%20Yore.mp3 | Why do phones hate video games so much? Discover the secret with us. | 14-May-2012 | 01:09:58 | 47.82Mb |
Episode 076 – I am not wearing hockey pants | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20076%20-%20I%20am%20not%20wearing%20hockey%20pants.mp3 | HULK LEARN ABOUT VIDEO GAMES. HULK LIKE XENOBLADE. BUY XENOBLADE. | 05-May-2012 | 01:17:58 | 53.37Mb |
Episode 075 – Squire Knight | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20075%20-%20Squire%20Knight.mp3 | Happy Easter. For this holiday we discuss video games | 08-Apr-2012 | 01:00:04 | 41.31Mb |
Episode 074 – Borderlands Billy | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20074%20-%20Borderlands%20Billy.mp3 | Let’s talk about video games. Skyrim, Jak and Crapster, Epic Mickey 2, AND VIDEO GAMES AS ART OH MAN | 24-Mar-2012 | 01:10:53 | 48.73Mb |
Episode 073 – Darween | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20073%20-%20Darween.mp3 | What news does the new year bring? Is the Wii U going to be interesting at all? Does Nintendo know what online gaming even IS? | 14-Jan-2012 | 01:13:14 | 50.35Mb |
Episode 072 – The Oracle of Bananas | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20072%20-%20The%20Oracle%20of%20Bananas.mp3 | We close out the old year with thoughts of Christmas presents. | 14-Dec-2011 | 02:26:32 | 30.01Mb |
Episode 071 – Thanksgiving Spooktacular | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20071%20-%20Thanksgiving%20Spooktacular.mp3 | On Thanksgiving we are thankful for Mario and Zelda. | 24-Nov-2011 | 00:48:26 | 22.17Mb |
Episode 070 – Resident Evil 6 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20070%20-%20Resident%20Evil%206.mp3 | Our special edition rumor episode! | 07-Sep-2011 | 00:56:44 | 28.81Mb |
Episode 069 – The Hound of the Baskervilles | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20069%20-%20The%20Hound%20of%20the%20Baskervilles.mp3 | The 3DS price dropped into Arkham City while sipping its juice in the hood. | 18-Aug-2011 | 00:56:15 | 28.75Mb |
Episode 068 – America | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20068%20-%20America.mp3 | Let’s talk about America? Tom Clancy video games! LA Noire! Maybe another thing! | 04-Jul-2011 | 01:05:04 | 44.74Mb |
PIzzacast 2011 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/PIzzacast%202011.mp3 | Post E3 discussion revealing many insights not seen on ANY OTHER WEB SITE REALLY. | 11-Jun-2011 | 01:30:50 | 62.44Mb |
Episode 067 – Bread Stick Cast | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20067%20-%20Bread%20Stick%20Cast.mp3 | Microsoft and Sony conference discussion. | 06-Jun-2011 | 00:43:40 | 30.04Mb |
Episode 066 – Pre E3 2011 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20066%20-%20Pre%20E3%202011.mp3 | Our pre E3 show where we mostly discuss Nintendo and what we hope to see at the show. Also Conduit 2. | 02-Jun-2011 | 00:44:50 | 30.85Mb |
Episode 065 – Sonic Colours | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20065%20-%20Sonic%20Colours.mp3 | Portal 2, Dragon Age 2, and Wii 2. | 03-May-2011 | 01:02:21 | 42.87Mb |
Episode 064 – N-Word 64 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20064%20-%20N-Word%2064.mp3 | Travis, Garret, and Mark discuss the best of the N64 era. | 05-Feb-2011 | 01:43:20 | 94.66Mb |
Episode 063 – And a Third | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20063%20-%20And%20a%20Third.mp3 | A brief GOTY discussion followed by the games to look forward to this year. | 29-Jan-2011 | 01:31:05 | 62.61Mb |
Episode 062 – Christmas in Monkey Town | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20062%20-%20Christmas%20in%20Monkey%20Town.mp3 | Christmas is a time to celebrate Donkey Kong Country Returns, Epic Mickey, GoldenEye, and the Tomb Raider reboot | 24-Dec-2010 | 01:17:36 | 53.35Mb |
Episode 061 – BRAAAWM | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20061%20-%20BRAAAWM.mp3 | Minecraft, Halo Reach, Nintendo 3DS news and games | 29-Sep-2010 | 01:06:48 | 34.89Mb |
Episode 060 – Let me axe you a question | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20060%20-%20Let%20me%20axe%20you%20a%20question.mp3 | Cursed Mountain, Dragon Quest IX, Duke Nukem Forever, The Lord of the Rings Online, Nintendo 3DS release date? | 12-Sep-2010 | 01:03:19 | 21.87Mb |
Episode 059 – Hey remember me | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20059%20-%20Hey%20remember%20me.mp3 | Metroid Other M releases to mixed reviews. Basically everyone loves it except nerds wearing haterpants. Let’s talk about that. | 04-Sep-2010 | 01:44:12 | 38.65Mb |
Pizzacast 2010 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Pizzacast%202010.mp3 | Our official E3 festivities. After the fact. | 17-Jun-2010 | 01:03:33 | 43.7Mb |
Episode 058 – PRE3 2010 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20058%20-%20PRE3%202010.mp3 | Our Pre E3 festivities for 2010 before we vanish into the fade. | 10-Jun-2010 | 01:20:17 | 27.63Mb |
Episode 057 – The Fate of Atlantis | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20057%20-%20The%20Fate%20of%20Atlantis.mp3 | Mario, you guys! Also: Bit Trip Runner, Machinarium, The Fate of Atlantis, Alan Wake, Doom?, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and steam on the mac. | 03-Jun-2010 | 01:21:11 | 55.81Mb |
Episode 056 – Well Burn My Biscuits | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20056%20-%20Well%20Burn%20My%20Biscuits.mp3 | StarCraft II discussion herein. Biscuit burning and flying buildings. Also, apparently Super Mario Galaxy 2 is out soon. | 06-May-2010 | 01:05:50 | 45.26Mb |
Special Report – N3DS | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Special%20Report%20-%20N3DS.mp3 | Breaking coverage of the Nintendo 3DS announcement. Facts, speculation, and second hand accounts from some guy who knows somebody. | 23-Mar-2010 | 00:35:25 | 24.38Mb |
Episode 055 – If You Are Curious About It | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20055%20-%20If%20You%20Are%20Curious%20About%20It.mp3 | A discussion of life, liberty, and the pursuit of Splinter Cells. | 23-Mar-2010 | 01:22:18 | 28.32Mb |
Episode 054 – PokeMark | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20054%20-%20PokeMark.mp3 | Mark Returns to Discuss Strategy Games with Travis. | 14-Mar-2010 | 01:05:44 | 45.14Mb |
Episode 053 – Samus is a 1950s Detective | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20053%20-%20Samus%20is%20a%201950s%20Detective.mp3 | We discuss the Nintendo Media Summit, Metroid Other M, Heavy Rain, and telephones. | 25-Feb-2010 | 01:21:37 | 28.08Mb |
Episode 052 – Donated to the Earth | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20052%20-%20Donated%20to%20the%20Earth.mp3 | Dead Space Extraction, The Calling, MAG, Star Trek Online, Wii sales, Scribblenauts, and Conan O’Brien. So… a lot. | 16-Jan-2010 | 01:36:06 | 66.05Mb |
Episode 051 – I Am Gonna Judge These Games By Their Demos | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20051%20-%20I%20Am%20Gonna%20Judge%20These%20Games%20By%20Their%20Demos.mp3 | God of War Collection, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Bayonetta, Dante’s Inferno, Demon’s Souls, and the kitchen sink. | 13-Dec-2009 | 01:43:33 | 71.1Mb |
Episode 050 – Golden Girls | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20050%20-%20Golden%20Girls.mp3 | The 50th episode brings straight up video game discussion regarding Scribblenauts, Modern Warfare 2, and New Super Mario Bros Wii. | 15-Nov-2009 | 00:57:02 | 39.22Mb |
Episode 049 – Buy Scribblenauts | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20049%20-%20Buy%20Scribblenauts.mp3 | Kevin returns from PAX to regale us… about PAX. Also, buy Scribblenauts. | 08-Sep-2009 | 01:27:42 | 60.29Mb |
Episode 048 – Urine the Movies | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20048%20-%20Urine%20the%20Movies.mp3 | It’s a good time to be a nerd. Digital distribution, sci-fi movies, and a terribly slim cataclysm. | 23-Aug-2009 | 01:18:04 | 53.61Mb |
Episode 047 – No Country For Old Men | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20047%20-%20No%20Country%20For%20Old%20Men.mp3 | The economy is stupid. We also talk about Little King’s Story and go to heaven | 01-Aug-2009 | 52:42 | 36.26Mb |
Episode 046 – Retards | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20046%20-%20Retards.mp3 | Much ado about remakes, including but not limited to Battlefield 1943 and Secret of Monkey Island | 18-Jul-2009 | 01:30:11 | 61.93Mb |
Episode 045 – Responsive | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20045%20-%20Responsive.mp3 | Nussy Joins the show to discuss Burnout and E3 X-Tras | 23-Jun-2009 | 01:10:10 | 64.24Mb |
Episode 044 – E3 Pizzacast 2009 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20044%20-%20E3%20Pizzacast%202009.mp3 | The Nintendorks E3 crew discuss the expo over pizza and exotic beverages | 04-Jun-2009 | 02:14:26 | 92.37Mb |
Episode 043 – Boldly Going | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20043%20-%20Boldly%20Going.mp3 | Travis and iKevin host a pre-E3 show filled with predictions and other goodies | 22-May-2009 | 01:13:41 | 50.66Mb |
Episode 042 – Numerical Geek Reference | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20042%20-%20Numerical%20Geek%20Reference.mp3 | Mark and Travis jump on soap boxes to discuss Chinatown Wars, Greg & Ned being drunk, the DSi, and even the Wii Motion Plus | 18-Apr-2009 | 01:16:34 | 52.63Mb |
Episode 041 – I ExciteBot | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20041%20-%20I%20ExciteBot.mp3 | Travis and Garman travel through time to talk about the GDC, Wii Play Control, and Excitebots. They cry a little too. | 25-Mar-2009 | 01:05:34 | 45.08Mb |
Episode 040 – Patrick Stewart Day | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20040%20-%20Patrick%20Stewart%20Day.mp3 | Nintendorks Radio Legend Joey (BITD) joins Mark to discuss things almost entirely unrelated to games along with some community updates | 17-Mar-2009 | 00:46:01 | 31.66Mb |
Episode 039 – Compliment Juice | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20039%20-%20Compliment%20Juice.mp3 | Mark and Travis Reunite to chat with Greg about current games including BattleField Heroes, Flower, and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 | 05-Mar-2009 | 01:03:10 | 43.43Mb |
Episode 038 – Grope and Strange | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20038%20-%20Grope%20and%20Strange.mp3 | Mark Returns with special guest host Greg to discuss what the dorks have been up to on Xbox Live | 04-Feb-2009 | 00:39:32 | 27.21Mb |
Episode 037 – The Jefferson | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20037%20-%20The%20Jefferson.mp3 | Travis is moving on up to the east side and he wanted to talk about his backlog of games with Stolle | 26-Jan-2009 | 01:05:11 | 44.81Mb |
Episode 036 – Sean Bean | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20036%20-%20Sean%20Bean.mp3 | Jake Stone, action hero, joins Travis on an adventure through Silent Hill | 11-Jan-2009 | 01:26:21 | 59.35Mb |
Episode 035 – Things You Can’t Afford | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20035%20-%20Things%20You%20Can't%20Afford.mp3 | Mark comes back from the crusades to remind me there is money to be spent. This sends me into a downward spiral for the holidays just like my parents originally intended. We discuss what we want for xmas in between tears | 06-Dec-2008 | 01:01:24 | 42.23Mb |
Episode 034 – What are you thankful for | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20034%20-%20What%20are%20you%20thankful%20for.mp3 | The Wii is two years old and, in spite of it all, we are thankful. Recent news and things to be thankful for in gaming are also discussed | 22-Nov-2008 | 01:18:47 | 54.15Mb |
Episode 033 – Tactical Radio Espionage Action | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20033%20-%20Tactical%20Radio%20Espionage%20Action.mp3 | Garman and Travis talk about secretive spy video games using secret messages and invisibility | 16-Nov-2008 | 01:14:42 | 51.34Mb |
Episode 032 – Too Many Games | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20032%20-%20Too%20Many%20Games.mp3 | We talk about too many games… because there are too many. Also, Mark died | 08-Nov-2008 | 01:01:29 | 21.17Mb |
Episode 031 – Insert Title Here | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20031%20-%20Insert%20Title%20Here.mp3 | MegaMan 9, Wario Land: Shake It, DSi, Sin & Punishment 2, etc. Nintendo is doing things again and we talk about it! | 04-Oct-2008 | 00:55:47 | 38.36Mb |
Episode 030 – Spore Unleashed | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20030%20-%20Spore%20Unleashed.mp3 | Travis returns to discuss the wonders of Spore and Force Unleashed. Yes it’s another episode in which Mark and Travis talk about Star Wars | 20-Sep-2008 | 00:39:34 | 27.23Mb |
Episode 029 – Eastbound and Down | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20029%20-%20Eastbound%20and%20Down.mp3 | Special Guest Host Jai joins Mark to discuss Awesome Nintendo DS Games and vauge memories of Dorkfest 2008 | 13-Sep-2008 | 00:36:38 | 25.21Mb |
Episode 028 – Brewing it Old School | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20028%20-%20Brewing%20it%20Old%20School.mp3 | What mysteries are there to DS homebrew? Find out on this episode as Mark and Travis delve into the darkest reaches of space. Pokemon Too | 06-Sep-2008 | 00:24:52 | 17.13Mb |
Episode 027 – Singular Winner | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20027%20-%20Singular%20Winner.mp3 | Contest Winner is Announced plus previews of upcoming games | 23-Aug-2008 | 00:36:33 | 25.16Mb |
Episode 026 – The World of Tomorrow | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20026%20-%20The%20World%20of%20Tomorrow.mp3 | News Update, Talk of The Future | 07-Aug-2008 | 00:46:56 | 32.29Mb |
Episode 025 – New Cake Part 4 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20025%20-%20New%20Cake%20Part%204.mp3 | New Staffer Cory is Interviewed | 30-Jul-2008 | 00:37:11 | 25.6Mb |
Episode 024 – I Want to Believe | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20024%20-%20I%20Want%20to%20Believe.mp3 | Mark reports back in from Dorkfest 2008 and Boris talks about E3 News | 25-Jul-2008 | 00:38:50 | 26.73Mb |
Episode 023 – ChronoFest | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20023%20-%20ChronoFest.mp3 | Travis and special guest host Garman, talk about Chrono Trigger DS and check in with everyone at Dorkfest | 12-Jul-2008 | 00:52:28 | 36.03Mb |
Episode 022 – New Cake Part 3 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20022%20-%20New%20Cake%20Part%203.mp3 | Mark and Travis interview famed and recently deified staffer Kevin. Magic Eight Balls and another special announcement help us pad time for the show | 07-Jul-2008 | 00:40:14 | 27.63Mb |
Episode 021 – New Cake Part 2 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20021%20-%20New%20Cake%20Part%202.mp3 | Brandon joins Mark and Travis to discuss the news staffers and to make a very special announcement | 06-Jul-2008 | 01:00:55 | 41.88Mb |
Episode 020 – New Cake Part 1 | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20020%20-%20New%20Cake%20Part%201.mp3 | Mark and Travis interview new staffer Adam “Shadowking” | 30-Jun-2008 | 00:33:57 | 23.37Mb |
Episode 019 – Why did it have to be cakes | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20019%20-%20Why%20did%20it%20have%20to%20be%20cakes.mp3 | Lego Indiana Jones, Old Games and Crystal Skull | 25-Jun-2008 | 00:47:26 | 21.77Mb |
Episode 018 – Summer Lovin | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20018%20-%20Summer%20Lovin.mp3 | Spore Report and Summer Game drought suggestions | 19-Jun-2008 | 00:37:23 | 17.18Mb |
Episode 017 – Solid Cake | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20017%20-%20Solid%20Cake.mp3 | MGS4 Impressions and Actual Nintendo News | 16-Jun-2008 | 00:56:47 | 26.06Mb |
Episode 016 – Volcano Dragon | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20016%20-%20Volcano%20Dragon.mp3 | Our Perfect Games? | 24-May-2008 | 00:48:41 | 22.35Mb |
Episode 015 – Up Up And Away | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20015%20-%20Up%20Up%20And%20Away.mp3 | Mark and Boris tackle Crappy Superhero Games | 10-May-2008 | 00:41:14 | 18.93Mb |
Episode 014 – Grand Theft Kart | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20014%20-%20Grand%20Theft%20Kart.mp3 | Mario Kart Wii and GTA4 Impressions | 04-May-2008 | 00:38:05 | 17.49Mb |
Episode 013 – The Wiizard | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20013%20-%20The%20Wiizard.mp3 | Mark and Boris review the 1989 classic The Wizard with the help of a special guest Garman | 26-Apr-2008 | 01:08:10 | 31.26Mb |
Episode 012 – Get Out of My Dreams Get Into My Car | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20012%20-%20Get%20Out%20of%20My%20Dreams%20Get%20Into%20My%20Car.mp3 | Racing Games, The Good, The Bad, and The Dorky | 05-Apr-2008 | 00:48:20 | 22.18Mb |
Episode 011 – Smashing | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20011%20-%20Smashing.mp3 | Noobs review Super Smash Bros | 01-Apr-2008 | 00:34:29 | 15.87Mb |
Episode 010 – Dude Tubes | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20010%20-%20Dude%20Tubes.mp3 | Mark and Travis discuss Online play, The Wii, its future, and beyond | 30-Mar-2008 | 00:48:30 | 22.26Mb |
Nintendorks News Network – Special Report – Super Smash Bros Brawl Release | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20News%20Network%20-%20Special%20Report%20-%20Super%20Smash%20Bros%20Brawl%20Release.mp3 | Our special correspondents in the field report on the SSBB release | 09-Mar-2008 | 00:39:37 | 18.79Mb |
Episode 009 – Dork Fight Club | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20009%20-%20Dork%20Fight%20Club.mp3 | Best Fighting Games, a Smashingly good time | 08-Mar-2008 | 00:37:11 | 17.08Mb |
Episode 008 – Famous Titties | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20008%20-%20Famous%20Titties.mp3 | Special Guest Host Brandon and Xbox 360 games Dorks may like | 01-Mar-2008 | 01:11:43 | 32.86Mb |
Episode 007 – Game Galore | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20007%20-%20Game%20Galore.mp3 | Star Trek Chatter, Community News, and Audiosurf | 23-Feb-2008 | 00:43:36 | 19.98Mb |
Episode 006 – Super Spoiler Bros | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20006%20-%20Super%20Spoiler%20Bros.mp3 | Inaccurate preview of Super Smash Bros Brawl | 16-Feb-2008 | 01:09:27 | 31.82Mb |
Episode 005 – Puzzle Guest | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20005%20-%20Puzzle%20Guest.mp3 | Special Guest JBond64 bores us with talk of video games | 10-Feb-2008 | 00:53:15 | 24.41Mb |
Episode 004 – Perfect Strangers | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20004%20-%20Perfect%20Strangers.mp3 | Forum Stuff and Surprise Guests, the suprise is that they do not know they are guests | 02-Feb-2008 | 00:31:01 | 14.23Mb |
Episode 003 – Star Wars | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20003%20-%20Star%20Wars.mp3 | Why do so many Star Wars games suck? | 26-Jan-2008 | 00:40:41 | 18.66Mb |
Episode 002 – Dishonest AND Stupid | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20002%20-%20Dishonest%20AND%20Stupid.mp3 | Listener feedback, Wii Shortages, Mario Galaxy, and More! | 15-Dec-2007 | 01:01:31 | 28.19Mb |
Episode 001 – The Zeo and BoBo Show | http://nintendorksradio.s3.amazonaws.com/Nintendorks%20Radio%20Episode%20001%20-%20The%20Zeo%20and%20BoBo%20Show.mp3 | The premiere of the New Nintendorks Radio. Mark (ZeoGold) and Boris (Travis) discuss the return of Nintendorks and other game related subjects | 01-Dec-2007 | 00:37:40 | 17.27Mb |