Quick Look: Nano Assault Neo is a Game That Someone Might Like.
And it falls into the “twin stick shooter” genre which is one that I honestly don’t have much experience with. Not since that Quick Stop employee watched as I pumped quarter after quarter into Smash TV before calmly telling me “This isn’t your thing” back when I was 12. So coming into this style of gameplay fresh is a little strange and honestly a bit hard to get used to. In Nano Assault Neo developed by Shin’en (Garfield’s Nightmare for the DS), you pilot around a little spaceship thing around what appear to be human molecules (but visually resemble planets from the Galaxy series), blasting the holy hell from what I can only assume are mutated versions of those virus dipshits from Dr. Mario. True to the category, the left stick on your controller operates the ship while the right allows you to constantly fire in all directions around you. I can see the appeal here but for some reason can’t help but be slightly disoriented and confused a lot of the time. And confusion as we all know, is just one slight step away from anger. What really goes a long way toward making the experience pleasurable though are the flat out jaw dropping visuals, but of course this is obviously to be expected from the visionaries behind that Strawberry Shortcake game. Here, just have a look at the textures on this thing.
Let’s see, what else do I have to say about this game. Oh! Here’s a trailer:
So the bottom line is this: Here is a game that if you enjoy batshit crazy shooters will provide you with some fun probably. And at a measly ten bucks in the Wii U’s eShop, *Nano Assault Neo* is a title that at the very least will happily live out its tenure on your home menu as a drunken download.Mr. Face never wrong!](/images/mrface3.jpg?resize=150%2C150 "Mr. Face say this game OKAY. Mr. Face never wrong!")
Mr. Face say this game OKAY.
Mr. Face never wrong!