A few hours left to bid on Howard Phillips’ NWC cart (and more) *updated*
Howard Phillips, former Gamemaster for Nintendo and face of the NES era of Nintendo Power, crawled out of the woodwork on Facebook today to alert his stalkers that his eBay auction for his personal copy of the 1990 Nintendo World Championships competition cartridge is about to end. As of this writing, the auction has around 4 hours left and is hovering at 8,200 dollars. Seems a bit pricey for one of the grey cartridges, even taking into account its owner… or it would, if not for the other event memorabilia included. Howard’s also throwing in his press kit for the Powerfest events (of which the competition was one part) and his All Access badge, which according to his description, “is very rare special in that my recollection is that event staff had STAFF badges and very few ALL ACCESS badges were printed and given to Event VIPs such as myself.” That leaves the question: Why is he selling? If I had to speculate, it’s a combination of being tired of having this stuff just sitting around, knowing that a collector out there would really cherish it, and raising money to complete his Know-It-All game.
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UPDATE: Auction has ended. After 17 bids, the grand total is $17,367.00. That’s rather a lot! Condolences to the winning bidder and congrats to Howard Phillips!