This Animal Crossing: New Leaf Commercial Manages the Unthinkable!
It’s actually making me excited to play (and more importantly buy) another AC game! Outside of Wii U promotions, Nintendo’s been on a roll with creative advertisements lately what with that awesome Luigi’s Mansion spot just a few months ago and those uh…hmm, well I guess that’s about it. BUT HEAR ME OUT: This clip for the upcoming new installment in the Animal Crossing series is both compelling and adorable. I can go on and on about my relationship with this franchise but that sounds dangerously close to work so I’ll save that rant for another day. Long story short, it goes like this: I’m a massive fan of the original GameCube entry (still one of the best video game soundtracks ever in my opinion), the solid DS sequel Wild World introduced portability and a much needed online component, yet my cheese was left out in the wind with City Folk for Wii. A game that made the odd design choice to actually remove features (!?).
Here’s hoping the fourth time’s the charm.
Hey, check out the snazzy *AC* themed 3DS XL that kid’s rocking btw! Pretty awesome. We’ll all get back to breaking our balls for those bells on June 9th.