Duck Tales Remastered Hits the eShop To-HEY, WHERE’D YOU GO?
I was just going to tell you that for a measly $14.99 you can now finally get your hands on WayForward’s long awaited HD remake of Capcom’s Duck Tales game. Available on the Wii U’s eShop, this is a full-blown modern interpretation of the NES classic featuring a from top to bottom visual overhaul and all new dialogue recorded by none other than the original cast of the cartoon! The well loved pogo-hopping gameplay is preserved only now dolled up a bit with some fancy level design flourishes. In addition, plenty of gorgeous new cut scenes result in each stage feeling kinda like a full episode of the show I guess. But what about the music? Duck Tales is famous for sporting a fantastic soundtrack (who’s Moon Theme has graced many a nerd’s ipods for years now) and Remastered features all new renditions of those classic arrangements. As a bonus upon beating the game, players can even unlock a gallery featuring the original chiptunes (which can be set as the in-stage music) along with a whole assortment of extra goodies like concept art, background paintings, etc. But I can see you already know all about this stuff, don’t you. Hello?