New Super Mario 3D World Trailer Confirms This Will Be the Greatest Game Forged by Man.
At six minutes long, checking out this amazing clip is probably a bad idea for anyone that wants to go into Mario’s new adventure totally unspoiled when it hits store shelves in a few weeks. It is also probably NSF anyone that only has $60 dollars to their name. Super Mario 3D World is coming to us courtesy of the same team responsible for the 2 Galaxy installments on Wii and (obviously) Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS. In other words, from the people that make the best Mario games. This extended trailer boasts a piece of software that is so jam-packed full of power ups, beautiful new stages and nods to classic entries in the series’ history that I’m calling it now: Super Mario 3D World will be the most fun you will ever have in your entire life. Go on, take a look.
This is probably a good time for you to draw the curtains and lock your door btw.