Holidorks Musical Advent Calendar 2013: Silent Night Holy FUCKBALLS.
I’m pretty sure I’ve gone on record at some point stating that the original F-Zero has one of the best soundtracks of the 16-bit era and quite possibly the best of that initial crop of software for the SNES. If not, this is me going on record stating that F-Zero has one of the best soundtracks of the 16-bit era and quite possibly the best of that initial crop of software for the SNES. “Mute City” is easily my favorite track from the game overall but as far as an icy (not to mention awesome) atmosphere is concerned, you really can’t beat today’s selection.
Well you could try, but you would not be successful.
“Silence” has a great intro, awesome beat and overall incredibly *alien* vibe that gels perfectly with the futuristic racer. It also fits well playing in a Christmasy lit room while wrapping presents and drinking plenty of booze. ENJOY.Calendar background is this photo, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 Attribution-ShareAlike terms.