Time to Fish Out Your Parent’s Credit Card, Kids. Super Mario Bros. 3 is Now Available on the Virtual Console! Again!
The final (and arguably greatest) installment of the tubby plumber’s 8-bit adventures is at last up for grabs from both the Wii U and 3DS’ respective eShops. Like, at this very moment. As in right now. #ohmygodwhatareyouwaitingfor, etc. Why have I deemed this news exciting enough to pull my fingers from a self-imposed writing slumber? What can I say, I like seeing Mario plastered across the front page of the site. So what if this NES classic has already been available on the original Wii’s Virtual Console for the better part of the last decade. Let alone to most nerds that still have their old cartridge collecting dust somewhere in the house (guilty). This is a game that is pure platforming perfection and demands to be bought over and over again, especially if you’ve managed to convince yourself that you have a disposable income (double guilty)! Neat new features for these versions of the game include mappable buttons along with the expected off-screen play feature on Wii U, while the 3DS marks the first time SMB3 has graced a Nintendo portable in its (for the most part) original incarnation. At least I think so…something about e-reader cards is tapping at the back of my memory so I’ll have to check in with ANC about that.
You may commence with the bitching about the lack of a unified account system at this time.
Curious as to what else hit the VC today? No? Then I guess don’t click [this link](http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2014/04/nintendo_download_17th_april_north_america)!