Nintendorks E3 2014 Pizzacast
It’s E3 once again, and that can only mean the time honored tradition of the Nintendorks Pizzacast! Join Cory, Travis, Kevin, Goob, and Garret on a journey through all things E3 (except anything new that happened on days two and three)!
The best news is that Nintendo actually had a really impressive showing. When was the last time we were able to say that?
Up for discussion is:
- Super Smash Brothers 3DS/Wii U
- Amiibo
- The Legend of Zelda
- Hyrule Warriors
- Mario Maker
- Splatoon
- Bayonetta 2
- Devil’s Third
- Yoshi: Wooly World
- Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong Wii U
- Pokemon Omega Ruby/ Alpha Sapphire
- Star Fox
- Project Guard
- Giant Robot
- Xenoblade Chronicles X
- Captain Toad
- Mario Party X
- Fantasy Life
- Mo Man’s Sky
- Far Cry 4
- CoD/Battlefield
- Criterion Game Project
- Alien: Isolation
- Hotline Miami 2
- Evolve
- Witcher 3
- Destiny
One of the tracks used in during the show comes from the No Man’s Sky trailer, otherwise know as 65daysofstatic by Debutante