We Are Going to Get an SNES Classic Without Leaving the House
Let’s face it – the only thing worse than trying to find a hot item at a local store is having to camp out and wait for a hot item at a local store.
Do you want to camp out at Best Buy only to be surrounded by people who are trying to flip the SNES Classic on the Electronic Bay or the List of Craig’s? Do you want to wait in line at Gamestop only to witness an adult throw a tantrum about not getting a hunk of plastic from China?
No! We are going to keep a level head about this. It’s just a plastic box that plays games we’ve mostly already played. We’re going to be calm, ruthless, and methodical about this.
And we’re going to do the whole thing in our underwear.
Step #1) Nowinstock.net (link)
Not to play favorites, but NowInStock.net is how I got a Switch and an NES Classic – your mileage may vary. Having the tab open will sound an audible alarm if any come in stock, but you can also sign up for email and text alerts on the sidebar – the process is convoluted and involves Google Groups, but it was effective for being the first to find out about the doomed Wal-Mart SNES Classic pre-order debacle.
Step #2) Go Directly to the Source
Get notifications directly from the retailers!
Amazon – Sign up for alerts
B&H Photo – Sign up for alerts
BestBuy – No alerts option – see Nowinstock.net or BrickSeek
GameStop – Sign up for alerts
Target – No alerts option – see Nowinstock.net or BrickSeek
Wal-Mart – No alerts option – see Nowinstock.net or BrickSeek
Dirty foreigners can see an international list here.
Step #3) Take a Gamble on Iffy Websites
Hey, Nowinstock.net is fine for me, but if you want to cover all the bases, then maybe add yourself to the list at sites like Zoolert.com and isinstock.com or StockInformer.com
Step #4) Get Social
Here are Twitter accounts you should probably follow:
And it wouldn’t hurt to just have a Twitter search tab open.
Step #5) BrickSeek Searches Online and Local Retailers (link)
When all else fails, it might be time to compromise and put on some pants. BrickSeek is fun, because they use voodoo magic to search the inventory of Best Buys, Wal-Marts, and Targets near you – this is your safety net if you don’t get a pre-order. A “Pick up at store” online order two weeks after launch isn’t a loss, it’s a win! Remember, we’re keeping a level head. BrickSeek also has alerts, but you need to sign up.
Step #6) As a Last Resort, Trust Nintendo to Tell You (link)
Nintendo will be the last to tell you about pre-orders for the SNES Classic, that’s pretty much a guarantee. But let’s cover all the bases – you can refresh the official page for the system and hope for the best…
Happy hunting, and if you have any other hot tips, please leave them in the comments below!