Wii system update actually worth installing

hat blinking light on the front of your Wii is actually worth paying attention to this time – you can finally run games off your SD card, and now that SD card can be up to 32 GB!
Holy shit! Joystiq has a snazzy video and a full image gallery here. Join me, fellow Nintendorks, in being extremely excited about a feature that should’ve launched with the system in the first place.
In other fancy Wii download-related news, the VC now has an arcade section, which will launch with the following games I have never heard of:
– Gaplus (Namco Bandai): 600 Wii Points — available now
– Mappy (Namco Bandai): 500 Wii Points — available now
– The Tower Of Druaga (Namco Bandai): 500 Wii Points — available now
– Starforce (Tecmo): 500 Wii Points — available now
– Space Harrier (Sega) — coming soon
– Solvalou (Namco Bandai) — coming soon
Additionally, Final Fantasy games will be coming to the VC, and apparently a sequel to Final Fantasy IV called, oddly enough, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years on WiiWare. Also coming to WiiWare is a sequel to Final Fantasy: My Life as a King called My Life as a Darklord, which sounds like a hilarious villian version of the game.