Hardmode.org Charity Event Begins Friday

Original article follows…** Fellow Nintendork and occasional guest host of Nintendorks Radio, Garret Evans (Garman), has, along with his esteemed colleagues, thrown together a video game marathon in support of Child’s Play. They will be playing through every major Mario release in existence to help raise money for kids who currently can’t play video games. To make everything easier, he has created the website HardMode.org where you can find live streams, information on events kick off, and, perhaps most importantly, the mystical button that allows you to donate monies for a good cause.
When I asked Mr. Evans what he wanted me to inform the world about their marathon I met with some trouble.
Travis: So what do I need to say.
Travis: Give me the scoop.
Garret: um
Garret: I’m doing video stuffs.
Garret: Hold on.
This is likely because Garret Evans is none other than the villain from Quantum of Solace.

Luckily, I’ve been able to use 3/4 of my cunning to actually read the HardMode website to determine that festivities begin at 8:00pm cst this Friday the 18th in the year of our Lord 2009. The evening will commence with the original Super Mario Bros. and they will not quit until they finish every level of New Super Mario Bros. Wii with four players at some point on Sunday the 20th.