Tri to like Monster Hunter Tri
Monster Hunter 3 Tri . . . or is it just called Monster Hunter 3? Maybe it’s Monster Hunter Tri. Regardless, Monster Hunter Three Eyes releases for the Nintendo Wii on April 20th. This is actually kind of a big deal because the series has previously been exclusive to Sony platforms (particularly the PSP). It hasn’t had a problem selling on those platforms either seeing as the franchise has done exceptionally well in Japan. For example, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G was the highest selling game in Japan in 2008, beating out Wii Fit. And yes, all the games have strange naming conventions. I have no idea what 2nd G even means.

For those of you unfamiliar with the series: think of it as a less massive MMO. You can pick a class and equip all sorts of armor and weaponry. Tracking down some armor and weapon materials may involve killing all sorts of monsters, but your day job consists of taking actual quests to hunt monsters in the game world. And that’s really Monster Hunter in a nutshell. The only real issue I’ve had with the game’s mechanics is that every quest has a time limit. Every single one. I’ve never understood why they’ve imposed this sort of challenge that keeps you from relaxing with the game but if it’s your cup of tea you’ll find few third party games better on the Wii. My demo build of the title was very polished, leaving me with no complaints other than the same sort of mild contempt I’ve had for the series for a few months now.